6012 is an elegant choice for products that require transparent and bright color after curing.

Belongs to the ortho-phthalic resin type, non-waxed, non- accelerator and non-thixotropy resin.

Product in the segment: Poly casting

Specification: 220kg/drum

Manufacturer: ENCHUAN – TAIWAN

Appearance/ Specifications:
Appearance Transparent  liquid
Viscosity (25oC) 300 – 500 cPs
Gel time (25oC) 2.5 – 5 minutes
Shelf life (<25oC) 4 months

The above gelation characteristics determined using 1% v/w MEKPO catalyst (Butanox M-50) and 0.5% v/w accelerator (Co 2+) on 20g of resin.