Polyester resin 8022W – LV – LSE

Resin 8022 is a product from long-standing technology, strict standard management of CCP Group, suitable for creating reinforced composite materials by both hand lay-up and gun spray-up methods, for a variety of applications.

The fomular are adjusted to suit each customer’s purpose and usage requirements.

Product in the segment: Pink poly (General purpose), poly marine

Specification: 220kg/drum

Manufacturer: CCP (Polynt) _ Malaysia

Appearance / Specifications:      
Poly code 8022 W 8022 LV 8022 LSE
Appearance pink pink Opaque pink
Viscosity (25oC) (cPs) 450 – 500 450 – 500 450 – 500
Gel time at (30oC) (mins) 20 – 25 8 – 11 8 – 11
Shelf life (<25oC) 4 months 4 months 4 months
Main characteristics waxed non-waxed reduces resin odors

The above gelation characteristics determined using 1% v/w MEKPO catalyst (Butanox M-50) on 20g of resin


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