Polyester Button 6021HW

6021H resin is an ortho polyester resin type, contain wax, non-accelerators. The product is a line for sheet casting or specialized in sheet resin.

This is a suitable choice for button manufacturers that need transparency, stable properties, and good compatibility with fashionable colors

Product in the segment: Button resin

Specification: 220kg/drum

Supplier: Enchuan

Appearance/ Specifications:
Appearance Transparent liquid
Viscosity (25oC) 1000 – 1200 cPs
Gel time (25oC) 2 – 4.5 minutes
Shelf life (<25oC) 4 months

The above gelation characteristics determined using 1% v/w MEKPO catalyst (Butanox M-50) on 20g of resin.


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