Poly casting, statue casting poly, Taiwan poly, Enchuan poly, … are extremely familiar names that craftsmen and manufacturers have given to 6011, a product line that is present and recognizable in the market since the 2000s.

Over the years, 6011 has always provided stability in quality, is easy to handle with the ability to cure quickly and evenly, waxed, pre-accelerated, is smooth, and easily filler wet out.

Poly 6011 is widely used in the manufacturing composite industry and in the handicraft industry in particular.

Product in the segment: Poly casting

Specification: 220kg/drum

Manufacturer: Enchuan

Appearance/ Specifications:
Appearance Transparent  liquid
Viscosity (25oC) 200 – 400 cPs
Gel time (25oC) 3 – 6 minutes
Shelf life (<25oC) 4 months

The above gelation characteristics determined using 1% v/w MEKPO catalyst (Butanox M-50) on 20g of resin.