Button resin

The story of the “Button”, known for its use as far back as 10,000 BC.

Not only a button of clothes but has become a fashion accessory. Buttons are made from many primitive to precious natural materials. Entering the industrial age requires sophistication, diversity, durability as well as speed in production. Polyester resin for buttons is researched and developed.

Depending on the technology, the requirements of each need. Suppliers research special polyester resin properties: For pipe, sheeting, high gloss, anti-fracture, heat-resistant,…

  1. We provide many types of products for this category:
Poly 287 QTN SHCP – Singapore rod
Poly 287 FNN SHCP – Singapore sheet
Poly 6021 HW SHCP – Singapore sheet
Poly 6011 WAL SHCP – Singapore sheet